Thursday, July 01, 2021

Pi Pico and AiP31068L RGB LCD displays

So I purchased a Waveshare Pi Pico kit.  Upon trying to get the included 16x2 LCD ("LCD1602") module working, I discovered that most of the popular published examples actually use a different chipset (HD44780 vs AiP31068L on the RGB Waveshare board).  Wiring is also different.

Web searches were not useful in finding a fix, but a chat with the friendly folk over at Waveshare pointed me in the direction of their excellent product wiki page.  Under the "Guides for Pico" section, there is a link (accurate at the time of writing) to their own libraries and examples.

Note that the non-RGB Waveshare LCD1602 states HD44780 compatibility, so if this is the one you have you should be good to go with the existing tutorials and libraries.